Injured Owls
Injured Owls
What Should You Do?
Have you found an owl or bird of prey?
Each year The Owls Trust receives a huge number of injured owls, hawks and falcons requiring remedial care. Many have been entangled in barbed wire, poisoned by toxic chemicals, hit by cars, collided with power lines or simply orphaned.
With the help of our staff and trained veterinarians the injured owls and birds of prey are cared for until they are capable of returning to their natural environment.
If you find any injured owls or birds of prey first assess the situation to work out the best way of dealing with the situation. Please be careful! When frightened, these birds can lash out and give a nasty wound with their talons. You can contact The Owls Trust by phone to get quick advice but if you are not able to do this then use a jacket or a towel to first cover then wrap the bird so that you can take it to the nearest place from which you can get help or to a rescue centre.
Spring and summer are nesting seasons for most birds and concerned members of the public regularly find young birds out of the nest and seemingly on their own prematurely. When you find a baby bird, understanding what to do can help you ensure it has the proper care and the best chances of survival.
Finding a young bird triggers compassion and helpfulness in most people but the very best help you can give a baby bird is to simply leave it alone or, if absolutely necessary, to intervene in only minor ways. Infant mortality is high for young birds and the strongest, healthiest chicks will survive even without human assistance no matter how cute and helpless they may seem.
With the help of our staff and veterinarians, these birds are cared for until they are capable of returning to their natural environment.
If you have found an owl or bird of prey, get in touch with The Owls Trust as soon as possible.